Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Back from the Dead

Well not exactly, I didn't die (but the time since my last post might lead some to believe I did...).

It's been almost 5 years since I posted, and a lot has changed since then.  I'm working at a new company (Cognitive X), got a new job title (Senior Software Architect), got married (Yeah!  Amazing woman, beautiful too), and have 2 kids (one's 12, the other 16 months).  But since this is a "work-related" blog, I'm going to focus on what I'm doing at work.

The key things I've been involved in recently and will be the nature of my posts over the next while are:

  • Domain Driven Development
  • CQRS (specifically NCQRS) and Event Sourcing
  • Aspect Orientated Program (AOP), especially PostSharp for .NET (as our company is an official partner and I will be doing a lot webinars for them each month)
  • Message / Event Driven Development
  • Enterprise Service Bus / Service Orientated Architecture (mainly with MassTransit)
  • Visual Studio 2013 (with a name like ASP.NET Addict, you can guess that I'm going to be focusing on web technologies and with Visual Studio 2013, there are a lot of web goodies in there!!)
So I'm working on my first posts in a long while (this one doesn't count :-) )  Not sure which one I will start with, probably talk about NCQRS and Dynamic Snapshotting as I have taken the existing code surrounding that and amped it up seriously (increased speed of NCQRS in general by 50% and dynamic snapshotting by over 500%.  I've actually got it to a point where trying to optimize it actually is slowing it down, pretty cool huh?).